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Services and fees

This is a breakdown of all our services and fees.

Any questions? - contact us

Adult and Child Medical Care

Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.

Minor Accident Care

Primary care practices offer a range of services and are able to deal with most minor accident care. If they are not able to deal with an injury they will refer on to the appropriate service.

Minor Surgery

Minor surgery is commonly provided in primary care practices, providing fast, competent removal and biopsies of skin lesions. Other services include cosmetic work such as removal of benign moles and skin tags. Ingrown toenail surgery is also commonly provided. These conditions do not need to be referred to a hospital, perhaps saving you a long wait or a cancelled appointment when a more serious case takes priority. If your doctor is unable to provide the procedure you need, he/she may know a neighbouring GP who does. Otherwise, the PHO will have a list of GPs trained in particular operations.

Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is a fast, effective treatment provided in many practices to treat viral warts, sun damaged skin, skin tags and many benign cosmetic lesions. It comes in a container with a nozzle and is usually applied by swab or spray. Often one treatment is all that is needed but sometimes it may need repeating after two weeks. Because it cannot be stored for too long, you will often find that your GP will treat a number of patients one after the other.

IUCD Insertion

An Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) is inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and five years. One particular brand of IUCD is often used to reduce heavy bleeding during periods.


Immunisations are provided at all primary care practices and are one of the most important services they provide. Other vaccines such as travel vaccines can be purchased by other people if they want them. Immunisations are given by a practice nurse or doctor, having ensured beforehand that the person is not ill or suffering from allergies. Risks associated with immunisation are very rare.


An ECG is a recording of your heart's electrical activity. Electrode patches are attached to your skin to measure the electrical impulses given off by your heart. The result is a trace that can be read by a doctor. It can give information of previous heart attacks or problems with the heart rhythm.

Appointment Fees

Under 14 years: Free

14-17 years: $65

18 and over: $79.50

Casual patient: $145

Nurse consult: $50

(a "double appoinment" is twice the fee)

Please note cancellation and non-attendance fees apply as per policy.

Other services

ACC / accident GP consults are same price ($79.50)

ACC nurse appointments: $45

Smear additional fee: $20

Extended consult: double fee

Full Medical: double fee

Payment is due on the day of the consultation or other service provided.


Minor surgery/biopsy: from $489

ECG (heart tracing): $35

Repeat prescription: $32

In-hours Home visit: $318

Additional charges are incurred for requests such as reports, referrals, blood tests requests. (Usually at the same cost as a repeat prescription)

Nursing services

Nurses appointment: $50

Travel vaccine assessment: GP Appointment + vaccine costs (variable)

Iron infusion: funded $228, unfunded: cost of unfunded Ferrinject is additional to base cost of nurse and equipment used

Liquid Nitrogen: Nurse consult + $20

Depot (contraceptive) injection: Nurse sonsult + $30

Immigration Medicals

NZ Immigration medical: $255
(includes medical examination, photo, submitting your results, but not the separate X-ray and Labtests costs*)

NZ Immigration medical - "x-ray only" admin and childrens medicals: $120

Canadian Immigration medical: $255
(includes medical examination, photo, submitting your results, but not the separate X-ray and Labtests costs*)

* - Immigration medical tests such as bloods and X-rays are not funded (even if you are a NZ Resident etc) and these are a separate fee levied by Auckland Radiology and Labtests

You can book your immigration medical online start here


Enrolled Patient Fees

Please ask about the charges for extra services at reception, we are very happy to discuss and explain. We offer:

  • The normal full range of GP services
  • Minor surgeries (biopsies, lesion removal, ingrown toenail removal)
  • Iron infusions

Ask if there is something you need